"A Christmas Carol" is a story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who doesn't pay attention to people. All that he wants is money. Scrooge is visited by three different ghosts: of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. They show him some scenes from the past and how things may look like in the future. Terrified and overwhelmed by a vision of his death, Scrooge is transformed into a better man. Our students presented this amazing story on stage partly in English. The acting and the decorations were so spectacular that all the audience was delighted with the performance. Good prevailed evil. Merry Christmas to all of us.
piątek, 20 grudnia 2019
Somewhere in my memory...
"A Christmas Carol" is a story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who doesn't pay attention to people. All that he wants is money. Scrooge is visited by three different ghosts: of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. They show him some scenes from the past and how things may look like in the future. Terrified and overwhelmed by a vision of his death, Scrooge is transformed into a better man. Our students presented this amazing story on stage partly in English. The acting and the decorations were so spectacular that all the audience was delighted with the performance. Good prevailed evil. Merry Christmas to all of us.
wtorek, 17 grudnia 2019
Peter Black - klasa bilingwalna na spektaklu w języku angielskim
Black' is a performance in English which was seen by the students from the 7th grade of our school. It
was divided into a few parts devoted to the trials
and tribulations of the main character who loses everything during one day.
However, he doesn't give up and the audience witnesses his amusing adventures. The
aim of the performance was to give the students opportunity to learn English
outside a classroom. It was amusing and adjusted to the students' English
level. The students were delighted and satisfied that they managed to
understand the dialogues and the plot. It was a
great experience.
piątek, 13 grudnia 2019
Święta nadchodzą, więc...
... staramy się wykorzystać jak najwięcej wspólnych chwil na wplatanie świątecznych akcentów i podnoszenie umiejętności językowych.
13 grudnia bilingwalna klasa 7a, podczas zastępstwa, zajęła się projektowaniem kartek z życzeniami bożonarodzeniowymi w języku angielskim.
Oto parę fotek świadczących o dobrej zabawie przy pracy ;-)
piątek, 6 grudnia 2019
Mikołajki, Mikołajki...
... również Mikołajki w naszej szkole miały angielski akcent!
Przygotowywane przez wszystkich uczniów klas I - III ozdoby choinkowe otrzymały angielskie opisy, a zadaniem uczestników było odkryć słowo, które określa daną ozdobę.
Dodatkowo komendy do sportowych rywalizacji wydawane były również w języku angielskim. Po dzisiejszym dniu nie ma Mikołajka w naszej szkole, który nie potrafi skojarzyć słów:
"Ready, Steady...GO!"
poniedziałek, 2 grudnia 2019
Preparing Our School's Nativity Play
How to improve student’s vocabulary?
Christmas is coming…!
I am preparing Christmas play based on Ebeneezer Scrooge story at the school theater. This is the opportunity to implement holiday’s atmosphere and improve language skills.
There are many methods to improve students vocabulary, among them there is a method called CLIL. It is easier to learn words when you sing them….so we can use the activity technique - the song, thanks to which the pupils remember words and their spelling better. Students can reconstruct the lyrics of a song using phrases written on the board, match the lyrics, for example lyrics in correct.
Moreover, thanks to the fact that the text will be saved on the sheets of paper you can go back to it again. The scheme of sentences is already prepared and you can use it… So, I do that! I chose the song Somewhere In My Memory… and the pupils could remember and improve some vocabulary and pronunciation … such as:
candle – świeca
window – okno
shadow – cień
paint - malować
gaze – wpatrywać się
gazing – wpatrywanie się (bardzo intensywne)
feel – czuć
gingerbread – piernik
precious – cenny, drogocenny
memory – pamięć
around – wokoło, dookoła
And how was it? It was funny! Students have already learned the text by heart and they improve vocabulary and enjoy … You can look at the pictures….So, now we are working on the show and I hope the audience will be satisfied on the day of premiere.
Keep your fingers crossed!
Gabriela Kowalczuk
Posty (Atom)
Czwartoklasiści uczą się bawiąc również na języku niemieckim (CLIL)
Czy na lekcjach języka obcego może być zabawnie? Odpowiedź na pytanie znajdziemy na filmach:

How to improve student’s vocabulary? Christmas is coming…! I am preparing Christmas play based on Ebeneezer Scrooge story at th...
26 listopada 2019r. w naszej szkole odbyła się lekcja otwarta dla Rodziców. Zajęcia wraz z uczniami klasy 1a poprowadziła pani Marta Sachs....
"A Christmas Carol" is a story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who doesn't pay attention to people. All that he want...